In our newsletter on financial prosperity, our goal is to show that financial prosperity is for all Veterinarians. Making a PLAN and checking to see where you are on the path certainly increase the odds to achieve the goal. Accountability […]
In our newsletter on financial prosperity, our goal is to show that financial prosperity is for all Veterinarians. Making a PLAN and checking to see where you are on the path certainly increase the odds to achieve the goal. Accountability […]
Selling a Veterinary Practice is a Complicated Process. Don’t go it alone. Selling a veterinary practice is a complicated process that involves numerous steps including determining the market value of your practice, finding the right buyer, negotiating the purchase price, […]
Start Planning Your Transition Now! As practice brokers, we often find that practice revenue and profitability have declined or stayed static over the past few years due to various reasons such as the Veterinarian cutting back his work schedule to […]
As a practice transition specialist, I am often asked, “Is now a good time to sell my practice?” While there are many factors involved in making this decision, the short answer is YES. Here are a few reasons… High Demand […]
Will your lease ALLOW you to get credit from vendors to lease or purchase equipment and supplies? Your landlord has defaulted on the mortgage and your building goes into foreclosure. YOUR lease has options which keep you financially fit. Your […]
Clean up your profit and loss statement and file your taxes. Many Owners are not aware of what makes up each category of their Profit and Loss Statement. Charges and invoices change monthly and are easier to track and monitor […]
One of my practices that I am “Preparing for Sale” was sure their clients could not afford annual wellness blood work. They were positive their clients would not participate because they tried a wellness plan previously and only two or […]
Many owners that I talk with believe that their paycheck is what is left over after paying all the bills. I do not feel this is a good or accurate way to pay yourself if you are the owner. There […]
That was the start of a phone call to me. The associate went to the doctor for a raise. When the owner calculated what the associate was currently being paid he was surprised to find that he was already being […]